They are not very large but look good if you have enough of them on the line. |
They are based on a soccer ball with pentagons and hexagons. Thi
confetti spiky ball has hexagon white flats and pentagon or 5-sided colored cones. I
make the cones first and fit them to the flat hexagons. |
It helps to have a soccer ball handy to reference. I put a little piece of blue
masking tape on the hexagons and pentagons I have sewn. Start with the back and
work your way forward. The air intake is the last piece. It doesn't get sewn in,
rather a narrow band is sewn around it for the bridle lines. |
To the left, the Spiky ball consists of flat pentagons and cone hexagons.
To the right, just the opposite. Big difference in how they look.
You can add eyes, tails, dots on the hexs and pentagons or tips on the
cones. How much time do you have? |


My favorite, the flying soccer ball fish.