Charmayne's Push Puppet Page

~~links to other pushpuppet collections, updated 1/10/2013~~

 Here are links to other puppet collections. Each one is wonderful. If your collection is not listed below and you would like a link, please send me an email so I can add it. All over the world there are push puppet collectors. I talk with some, trade with some, have actually met NONE! We need a convention!

In no particular order...

Rike Platenkamp

The Netherlands

Perry Knox and Doug Stanton


Honeywood aka Jane Coakeley


Sylvie Dehais


Martina Jacobs


Thomas Werner


Claire Kakelbergh


Martina Endres-Mühleip


Beth Eveleigh

Melbourne, Australia

Shannon Banks




Here are some interesting web pages:

Judy's history of Kohner Toys


Brandon's Sea Host history


X-Ray Dog

Interesting photo of a push puppet X-ray!

Availabot          or here

Know when your IM buddy is ready to talk. (Be patient through the first 15 seconds of the video.)

How to make an Availabot

Want to build your very own Availabot? These directions are by Pierre-Philippe Coupard.

A short history of other kinds of puppets

Push puppets are not the only kind of puppets. This link takes you to a page suggested by Kayla, a student involved in puppetry.

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