Charmayne's Quilling and Curly Cues

the Lion

     I made Karen-Marie Klip's Mandala Lion in 2021. Karen-Marie and her husband owned and operated the paper and quilling shop in Denmark, Karen-Marie Klip.  This was one of the last projects she produced and by far my favorite and the largest. (They retired in 2023.) It is approximately 75 cm tall. Bob framed it and we have it hanging in the living room.

Most of the small photos below link to larger ones, just click the photos.


lion face the lion's head lion face
It is a start! The kit was more suggestion than actual step-by-step instructions. However, it was made far easier than one would imagine by using her kite-shaped form. The forms make up the face and the the mandala. They get filled in with quilled shapes. The face is completed and the work on the mane has been started.
kite shaped forms <----   lots of forms

one of the pieces which will be set into a form ---->
one of the insets
lion Mandala progress Lion Mandala
Mandala form placement Filling in the forms He is on the fabric background and the little mandalas glued down, too. Ready for a frame.
All done! Charmayne's Lion Mandala  
 My small mandalas. 
small Mandalas
Karen-Maries's African Patterns Lion Mandala instructions. The kit  


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