Charmayne's Quilling and Curly Cues

Cookie Cutter Quilling

 Very fun! In 2022 Karen-Marie made gingerbread people and other shapes from card stock and decorated them with quilling as if the paper was frosting. I have used my cookie cutters for the outlines. My original shapes were on brown cardstock with white strips of paper.  These were Christmas tree ornaments for my grandchildren, string hangers added. Later I expanded to trees, stars, mittens, candy canes, etc., and made a few gingerbread ornaments for me, too.

Most of the small photos below link to larger ones, just click the photos.

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2023 and 2024 In 2023 and 2024 I took my project a little further, making bells, candy canes, stars, mittens, and more. I sorted through my cutters and picked out Halloween and Christmas shapes. Simple shapes. You can add cardstock or parchment backing to make the shapes sturdier or to add quilling to the center without support. Read further for more tips and instructions:
Cookie Cutter Quilling, a pdf file.
Here are a few progress pictures to look at as well. New windows will open.
CC heart cc heart2 Cmas tree
Right picture:  Credit for the Christmas tree design idea plus her tree form goes to Hanne Olesen (Denmark) and credit to another talented Danish quiller for the beautiful bell idea. Hanne also sells a bell form along with other shapes. She ships to Denmark, Germany and France. Paper und Ideen in Germany sells Hanne's forms and ships to the US (although it is not inexpensive!) This bell is from one of my cookie cutters. cookie cutter ornaments CC cmas tree
CC bell2 CC bell CC bell3
CC mitten2 mitten CC star
Gingerbread Boy  Gingerbread Boy OW  Candy Cane 
CC ghost in progress   CC ghost beehive quilling CC ghost complete 
 side of CC ghost   The ghost is made with 3/8" wide paper and beehive quilling. He is very sturdy. The bat below is from paper 1/8" wide.
bat cookie cutter CC Bat CC Bat side view
2022 Cookie cutter people. CC gingerbread Star
cookie cutter ornaments CC shapes gingerbread people


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