Baby Octopus kite, a design by Peter Lynn. The plan
is from the book "Skywork 3 Experience", by Wohlert and Lienau

From Gail Lindsey's Ft. Worden Kitemakers class, a little Hata kite. He can
be tuned to be stable with his long wingtip tails. |
The Donut guy!
Another line laundry piece.
1 meter 6 legged round guy line laundry
They are based on a soccer ball. |
He is the first. More joined him in 2004. |
A Russian Box Kite

Plan by Ralf Dietrich, "Kites & friends"
Cerf-volant Anémometre, a French Metrological kite
made from cotton and bamboo, Ft. Worden class taught by
Frits Sauvé
Based on Gerd Schaller's article in the German magazine Sport Und Design Drachen.
Cody Compound
made from ripstop nylon and carbon rods

Bob was sent an old picture of the Compound with a topsail.
Cody Compound with the top sail
TSF replica made from ripstop nylon
TSF replica flying.