2014 kite gallery

Bob's and Charmayne's kites in 2014

Harlequin Dancer kite


The Harlequin Dancer. Bob found a gorgeous Art Deco dancer photo on-line. "What do you think? Would she work on a kite? A triangular kite?" I loved her instantly, so "yes"! The kite is the width of the roll of fabric (60") but should have been twice as large, with a center seam.

Harlequin Dancer
My Manta Ray Manta Ray line laundry designed by Peter Lynn. A cute, small, and totally fun piece of line laundry. I made it in the Fanoe Classic workshop taught by Andreas Fischbacher. It was a wonderful day spent making the Ray. Later, we all tried to fly them in way too much wind. Trying to get a photo of everyone flying nicely was a task I did not succeed in accomplishing! We have since flown ours in less wind. Sweet! 

Manta Rays

Manta Rays

Manta Ray line laundry Manta Rays
3 of our Koi kites
The new trio.
Our Ft. Worden 2015's class kite is our large Koi Kite.  It is based on the late Japanese kite master Nobuhiko Yoshhizumi's miniature kite. To get ready for a class, we always make several of the class kite. Here are the first 3. We made one more in early 2015, too. Our school of Koi numbers 5! Our original one is white with orange dots, just like our real Koi, Dot. The yellow one is like our pure yellow Koi, Sunray. Sharpie Permanent Magic Marker scales give him a bit of detail. The other two are spray painted kites. Bob spray painted the eyes and eyebrows on all the kites. Fire Koi kite
Fire Koi
Koi kite
Foil Koi
Sunray, the Koi kite
Dot the Koi kite
Dot is still flying strong.
On Fanø this year we saw a great new box kite. It was designed by Carsten Domann, from Berlin, Germany. It is a wonderful kite to build and fly. Join us at Ft. Worden in 2016 to make your own. Check out the 2015 gallery of our kites to see our other Trigon Boxes.
This one, our first, is painted using Scott Hampton's technique of crinkle and spray.
Trigon Box close up of the sprayed fabric
We made "REX", a cotton kite from a kit given to us by our Dutch friend Frits Sauvé. It is small and few erratically in gusty Nebraska winds. This photo was his maiden flight in Callaway, Nebraska. Bob was still working on his bridle. A pretty short bridle. I see a longer bridle in it future! It makes adjustments easier.
REX has curved wings, 2 triangular boxes and his name is painted on the wings in silver paint. He is probably a meter tall. Thank you, Frits!
REX REX at last!
Butterfly #1  Bob's 2014 Christmas kite is a set of 3 small butterflies. 2 are made from scraps of painted fabric with the black appliqué, the third is all appliquéd. As long as the wind stays below 5-6 MPH (very light) they flutter around like real butterflies, dancing and behaving most of the time. We have even linked 2 together into a mini-train. The movie is about a minute long. all three
painted butterfly appliquéd butterfly movie of the butterfly kites