2021 kite gallery

Bob's and Charmayne's kites in 2021

2021 fish 2 more pieces of green line laundry were added this year. The fish was orginally taught by Lyle Morgan at the Ft. Worden Kitemakers Conference way, way back sometime in the early 1990's. We increased the size dramatically, lost the mouth hoop, added inflating fins and eyes, generally gave him an upgrade. As always, I wish I had listened to Bob and made him bigger still. And the walrus! I really love this funny fellow. Flowers, tusks that are inflated, a flappy tail and definitely green. What is not to love. 
green walrus  green walrus  green walrus with improved tusks
The picture above is the maiden flight.
The middle picture shows his inflation hole. I always cover the vents with nylon mesh for stability.
The right-hand photo shows his improved, inflated tusks. We use skinny balloons! 
Completed green laundry line.  the finished green line 
whales   This was the year for even more line laundry. We bought 2 of Peter Lynn's whale kits. He makes wonderful kits if you are wondering. Easy payment, fast shipping, clear instructions and pre-cut pieces. We just assembled. 
dark blue whale
bright blue whale bigger than you think

Same procedure as last year... 
Bob makes a miniature (although it is no where to be found for a photo)...
Bob drafts the patterns...
Charmayne cuts fabric and sews...
Bob makes and fits rods, rigs any lines, adds the bridles...
Bob makes them fly.
This year was the year Fanø was cancelled for many kiters due to continued Covid-19 problems. Cat suggested the normal American Fanø-ites gather on the West Coast and have a mini, (a very mini) Fanø. We did. I think there were about a half dozen of us, all vaccinated and boosted.  We had a mini UCVGP meeting, too. The UCVGP 2022 kite was chosen by Bob. What a beautiful kite the Russian Popov kite is. We made ours from a brilliant red cotton.  It was the only one at the meeting. Good thing it flew so well! Popov plan 
Popov ready to bridle  Popov classic cotton kite  Popov flying high 
Bob and his Popov  The American GPPs  Post flight 

There was one other UCVGP Popov kite made for 2022. To the right is Robert's white ripstop nylon version. Nicely done! Robert's Popov
We got home from the West Coast version of Fanø and literally were handed the straw that broke the camel's back for our living in Gig Harbor. We bought a house in south central Colorado in August and closed on it in mid-September. The last six months of 2021 were spent house hunting, sorting and packing and discarding 30 years of stuff, painting the interior of Gig Harbor house (picture hanger holes abounded), figuring out move logistics which included 25 year old Koi and 3 vehicles, actually moving, unpacking and fixing the new house to match our wants.

Prickly Pear

Welcome to the high desert of Colorado.
Bob's Christmas kite!

The only other kite building in 2021 was Bob's Christmas kite and it was a pretty close thing to get it finished for Christmas morning.
 Polka Dot Rotators

 A set of Wadsworth spinners, this time with my polka dots. They can fly with the Wonder Bread Eddy and the polka dot drum box.