This is another Russian kite replica. The sail is cotton and it has wood spars.
Our "Bow Tie" kite. |
We are teaching the Zwirbel (designed by Bernd Knupfer) at Ft. Worden
next year. This will be our example and then into the raffle it will go. Our
normal ones are too long for the classroom. |
We made one of Carsten's Trigon Box kites for the kite muesum in Long Beach,
WA. This was his 2016 Ft. Worden class.This short maiden flight will probably be
it's only time in the air. It will be in the cellular kite display. |
The heart kite was developed by René Maier. He lives in Switzerland. We made
our heart from Internet plans. He will be at Ft. Worden in 2017. More hearts
may come! Sorry for the horrible photos. Gray sky pictures are terrible. |
And another gray sky photo: our new replica kite. This is a old Russian
elliptical cellular design which we made in ripstop nylon with carbon rods. |
The start of a new line of laundry! |
And another in the works for this laundry line. |